APPSC Group I Notification 2017, Scheme of the exam

There are many graduates who are searching many ways to get employed. But, everyone goes crazy for a government job. And there are no new notifications in the Banking sector currently. So, most of you may be feeling disappointed. But, not now. Because, APPSC has releases a number of jobs. In the December alone, APPSC has released almost 21 notifications. The notifications released by Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission includes Group I services, Group II services, Panchayat Secretary, Assistant BC Welfare officers, Hostel Welfare Officers and many other posts that require some extra eligibility. So, suit up and start working on it.

APPSC Group I Notification 2017

Last date to apply: 30 January 2017

Preliminary Examination: 7 May 2017

Mains Examination: 17 to 27 August 2017

Educational qualifications: Bachelor's degree

Number of Vacancies: 78


Application processing fee: Rs. 250/-
Examination fee: Rs. 120/-

Procedure for selection:

1. Screening test
2. Mains Test
3. Interview

Scheme of the exam

Screening Test

1. General Studies and Mental Ability  - 150 Marks

Mains Test

1. General English  - 150 Marks
2. Paper I  - 150 Marks
3. Paper II  - 150 Marks
4. Paper III  - 150 Marks
5. Paper IV  - 150 Marks
6. Paper V  - 150 Marks

Interview   - 75 Marks

Total  - 825 Marks

Click Here for Complete Group I - 2017 Syllabus


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