APPSC Group II - Detailed Scheme and Syllabus
APPSC Group II Examination
Scheme of the Exam
- Screening Test → 150 marks
- Mains examination → 450 marks
- Paper I → 150 marks
- General Studies and Mental ability
- Paper II → 150 marks
- Social history of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh
- General Overview of the Indian Constitution
- Paper III → 150 marks
- Planning in India and Indian economy; Contemporary problems and developments in rural society with special reference to Andhra Pradesh
Detailed Syllabus of Group II exam
Screening Test
- Current Affairs
- Issues of National and International importance in
- Politics
- Economics
- Society
- Science
- Technology
- Arts
- Sports
- Culture
- Governance
- Constitution of India with emphasis on
- Fedaralism
- Fundamental Rights
- Fundamental duties
- Union government
- State governments
- Judiciary
- Judicial review
- Local government
- Directive Principles of state policy
- Union and State Legislature
- Administrative and Legislative relations between union and state governments
- Scheduled and tribal area administration
- Economic Development of India
- Economy in medieval India
- Pre-independence Indian economy
- Development plans
- Economic and industrial policies of independent India
- Liberalisation
- Privatisation
- Globalisation
- Labour policies of union and state governments
- Role of agriculture and Green revolution in India
- Economic disparities between regions
- Population categories
Mains Examination
Paper I
General Studies and Mental Ability
- Events of national and International importance
- Current affairs
- International
- National
- Regional
- General Science and its application to the day to day life. Contemporary developments in
- Science and technology and
- Information technology
- Social-economic and political history of modern India with emphasis on
- Indian National Movement
- Indian polity and governance
- Constitutional issues
- Public Policy
- Reforms
- e-governance initiatives
- Economic development in India since independence
- Geography of India with focus on
- Andhra Pradesh
- Disaster management
- Vulnerability profile
- Prevention strategies
- Mitigation strategies
- Application of remote sensing and GIS in the assessment of disaster
- Sustainability development and environmental protection
- Mental ability
- Logical reasoning
- Analytical ability
- Data interpretation
- Data analysis
- Tabulation of data
- Visual representation of data
- Basic data analysis
- Interpretation
Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh
- Problems/Implications
- Administrative
- Economic
- Social
- Cultural
- Political
- Legal
- Loss of capital city; Challenges in building new capital; It's financial implications
- Division and rebuilding of common institutions
- Division of employees, relocation and nativity issues
- Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs
- Implications to financial resources of state government
- Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investment
- Socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation
- Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues
- AP Reorganisation act 2014, on AP and arbitrariness of certain provisions
Paper II
Section I
Social and cultural history of Andhra Pradesh
- Social and cultural history of Andhra Pradesh
- Socio-Economic and Religious Landscape of Prehistoric Andhra Pradesh
- Geographical features of Andhra
- Its impact on history and culture
- Pre-history
- The Satavahanas
- Ikshvakus
- Socio, economic and religious conditions
- Literature, art and architecture
- The eastern Chalukyas of Vengi
- Society, Religion
- Telugu Language
- Literature, art and architecture
- Various kingdoms that ruled Andhra Pradesh between 11th and 16th centuries
- Socio, cultural and religious conditions n Andhradesa between 11th to 16 centuries AD
- Growth of Telugu language
- Literature, art, architecture and painting
- Advent of Europeans
- Trade centers
- Andhra under the company
- 1857 revolt and its impact on Andhra
- Establishment of British rule
- Socio, cultural awakening
- Justice party/self respect awakening movements
- Growth of nationalist movements in Andhra between 1885 to 1947
- Role of socialists, communists
- Anti zamindari and Kisan movements
- Growth of nationalist poetry
- Origin and growth of Andhra movement
- Role of Andhramahasabhas
- Prominent leaders
- Events leading to the formation of Andhra state 1953
- Role of news papers in Andhra Movemet
- Events leading to the formation of Andhra Pradesh state
- Visalandhra Mahasabha
- State reorganisation commission and its recommendations
- Gentleman agreement
- Important social and cultural events between 1956 and 2014
Section II
General overview of the Indian constitution
- Nature of the Indian constitution
- Historical Background
- Constitutional development
- Salient features of the Indian constitution
- Preamble
- Fundamental rights
- Directive principles of state policy and their relationship
- Fundamental Duties
- Distinctive features - Unitary and Federal
- Structure and functions of Indian Government
- Legislative
- Types of legislature
- Unicameral
- Bicameral
- Executive
- Parliamentary
- Judiciary
- Judicial review
- Judicial activism
- Distribution of legislative and executive powers between the union and the states
- Legislative, Administrative and Financial relations between the union and states
- Powers and functions of constitutional bodies
- State Public Service Commissions
- Finance commission
- Center and state relations
- Need for reforms
- Rajmannar committee
- Sarkaria commission
- MM Punchchi commission
- Unitary and federal features of Indian constitution
- Amendment process to the constitution
- Centralisation Vs. Decentralisation
- Community development programs
- Balwantry Committee
- Ashok Mehta Committee
- 73rd and 74th constitutional amendment acts and their implementation
- Indian political parties
- National, Regional
- One party, Bi-party, multi party systems
- Regionalism and sub-regionalism
- Demand for new states
- Sri Krishna Committee
- National Integration
- Threats to Indian union
- Welfare mechanisms in India
- Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Tribes, and minorities
- Reservations for SCs, STs and backward classes
- Prevention of SC, ST atrocities act
- National and State SCs, STs and BCs commissions
- Women's commissions
- National and state minorities commissions
- Human rights commission
- Right to Information act
- Lokpal and Lokayukt
Paper III
Planning in India and Indian Economy
- Planning in Indian Economy and present status
- Socio economic objectives and outlays of five year plans
- Alternative strategies - Goals and achievements
- Cause for failure of different plans
- New economic reforms 1991
- Regulation of economy
- Creation of regulatory bodies
- Niti Aayog
- Cooperative federalism and decentralisation of financial resources
- Indian economic policies
- Agricultural policies
- Industrial policies since 1956
- IT industry
- Monetary policy of RBI
- Fiscal policy - objectives
- Fiscal imbalance and deficit finance
- New foreign trade policy
- Current account imbalances
- Availability of natural resources and development
- Population - size, composition and growth - trends
- Occupational distribution of work force
- Human development index as a measurement of development
- Demographic dividend
- Money, Banking and Public Finance
- Concept of money and measures of money supply
- Creation of credit by commercial banks
- Determination of price level - Inflation
- Causes and Remedies of Inflation
- Budget
- Taxes and non tax revenue
- Goods and Service Tax
- Meaning and measurement of growth
- Distinction between growth and development
- Measurement of growth
- Growth, development, and underdevelopment
- Characteristics of underdevelopment
- Stages of development
- Source of capital formation
- Growth strategies
- Deregulation and growth
- National Income
- National income and concepts
- Gross domestic product
- Net domestic product
- Percapita income
Economy of Andhra Pradesh
- Contribution of agriculture to income and employment in Andhra Pradesh
- Land reforms in Andhra Pradesh
- Need for Land reforms
- Structure of land holdings, forest and sown
- Irrigated area
- Cropping pattern
- Sources of agricultural finances
- Agricultural subsidies
- Public distribution system in Andhra Pradesh
- Five year plans of Andhra Pradesh
- Outlays
- Finance in public sector plans
- Resource allocation n five year plans of Andhra Pradesh under development of Niti Aayog
- Economic policies of Andhra Pradesh
- Industrial and implementation and mission based development of state government
- Industries in Andhra Pradesh
- Growth and structure of Industries
- Role of small scale and cottage industries
- Structure of cooperatives
- Share of cooperatives in total credit of Andhra Pradesh
- Energy management
- Service sectors of Andhra Pradesh
- Importance - composition and growth with special reference to Power; transport and communication; Tourism and information technology in Andhra Pradesh
- Socio economic welfare programs of government of Andhra Pradesh
Happy Preparation......
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